In this paper, the destabilization due to small damping of the followe
r force system, known as Beck's problem, and of the cantilevered pipe
conveying fluid system, two nonconservative systems, is considered. In
stead of looking for a mathematical explanation, e.g., the evolution o
f the eigenvalues with different parameters, a more ''physical'' expla
nation is provided. It is shown that it is of particular interest to f
ocus on the different modes of vibration and to understand how they ev
olve when damping is varied. Also, based on energy considerations, the
key factors influencing stability are highlighted, e.g., the phase an
gles between the different coordinates. In the case of the pipe convey
ing fluid, the methodology developed and insight gained help explain t
he presence of ''jumps'' in the stability curves, that are known to pl
ay an important role in the linear and nonlinear dynamics of this syst