Hypersonic air-breathing propulsion utilizing: shock-induced combustio
n ramjets is investigated, Two-dimensional geometries are simulated wi
th planar and axisymmetric configurations, as well as external and mix
ed-compression configurations. The lower-upper Symmetric Gauss-Seidel
scheme combined with a symmetric shock-capturing total variation dimin
ishing scheme are used to solve the Euler equations, with nonequilibri
um chemical reactions. The finite rate chemistry model includes 13 spe
cies (H-2, O-2, H, O, OH, H2O, HO2, H2O2, N, NO, HNO, N-2) and NO2) an
d 33 reactions. The numerical method has been verified by comparison w
ith H-2/air induction delay times, analytical solutions to wedge probl
ems, and exothermic blunt body flows. Results obtained with an invisci
d, chemically nonequilibrium numerical approach and with realistic geo
metries demonstrate that shock-induced combustion can be used as a via
ble means of hypersonic propulsion. As part of the combustor design, i
t has also been numerically demonstrated that a minimum-entropy, or Ch
apman-Jouguet condition exists for oblique-detonation waves generated
by wedges in nonequilibrium chemically reacting H-2/air flowfields.