We developed an analytic model to predict suture load-sharing immediat
ely after flexor tendon repair in the hand. Tendon repair was mathemat
ically modeled as two nonlinear springs in parallel, representing sepa
rate core and peripheral sutures that were in series with a third nonl
inear spring representing the tendon. To serve as a basis for, and val
idation of, our analytic model, fresh human flexor digitorum profundus
tendons were harvested and mechanically tested either intact or after
surgical repair in a variety of ways: core suture alone, superficial
peripheral suture alone, deep peripheral suture alone, core suture plu
s superficial peripheral suture, and core suture plus deep peripheral
suture. The stiffness and strength of the composite repairs predicted
with use of the analytic model were comparable with those determined e
xperimentally. Furthermore, the model predicted inequities in suture l
oad-sharing, with 64% of the applied load carried by the peripheral su
ture when it was placed superficially, as compared with 77% when the p
eripheral suture was placed deep. Our results demonstrate a disparity
in load-sharing within composite suture systems, the rectification of
which may lead to significant improvement in the repair strength. To t
his end, we expect that our analytic model will serve as a basis for t
he design of more efficient, and consequently stronger, suture techniq