OBJECTIVE To describe the experiences of 12- to 17-year-old girls when
they visit general or family practitioners and to gain some understan
ding of how they relate to these caregivers. DESIGN Qualitative analys
is of the oral narratives of eight adolescent girls. SETTING After-sch
ool community drop-in centre for youth in downtown Toronto. PARTICIPAN
TS Eight adolescent girls between the ages of 12 and 17 years attendin
g the drop-in centre. MAIN OUTCOME FINDINGS Five themes emerged: adole
scent girls feel more comfortable with female physicians, they feel un
comfortable during physical examinations, they would like doctors to e
xplain medical issues, they would like doctors to be more like friends
, and they want to be treated as teenagers by their doctors. CONCLUSIO
NS This study was unique in its use of personal interviews with adoles
cent girls to understand the experiences they have had with family phy
sicians. The themes indicated how family physicians could improve ther
apeutic relationships between themselves and their female adolescent p