The problem of the continuation of a real-valued function from a subse
t Y of a metric space (X, d) to the whole of the space is considered.
A well-known result of McShane enables one to extend a uniformly conti
nuous function preserving its modulus of continuity. However, some nat
ural questions remain unanswered in the process. A new scheme for the
extension of a broad class of functions, including bounded and Lipschi
tz functions, is proposed. Several properties of these extensions, use
ful in applications, are proved. They include the preservation of cons
traints on the increments of a function defined in terms of quasiconca
ve majorants. This result enables one to refine and generalize well-kn
own results on the problem of the traces of functions with bounded gra
dient. The extension in question is used in two problems on function a
pproximation. In particular, a direct proof of the density of the clas
s Lip(X) in lip(X, omega) is given.