Rubber components are used extensively in water distribution systems,
and their long-term performance is of concern to water utility enginee
rs. Thus, AWWA member utilities asked the AWWA Research Foundation (AW
WARF) to investigate how chlorine and chloramine affect these componen
ts. In 1992, AWWARF commissioned a study to evaluate the effects of ch
lorinated and chloraminated water on two types of elastomers: generic
specimens of known formulations and sheet stock of unknown formulation
s. This report responds to the AWWARF research, which concluded that c
hloraminated waters are more detrimental to most elastomers than water
s with equivalent concentrations of chlorine. It also enumerates propo
sed actions, including developing pass-fail criteria, related to these
findings and explains why it is not currently feasible to develop an
AWWA standard for all gaskets used in chloraminated waters.