The first women accounting masters in Italy: between tradition and innovation

Baldarelli, Maria-gabriella et al., The first women accounting masters in Italy: between tradition and innovation, Accounting history review (Print) , 29(1), 2019, pp. 39-78
ISSN journal
Year of publication
39 - 78
SICI code
This study aims to bridge a research gap that concerns the role of female scholars in the field of accounting providing an innovative contribution on a topic that has remained marginal or .left out of. the scientific debate in a non-Anglo-Saxon-setting (Italy). We adopt a historical perspective and focus our attention on Italian women academics from the 1970s to 2000. The research design follows a multidimensional scheme, based on the dimensions of the bodies of knowledge and social practices, used to analyse the scientific productivity, the career progression, and the visibility of women scholars among the governing bodies of Italian academia and the Italian schools of thought. Finally, we consider the personal story-telling of two pioneering female academics. Findings point out the processes and mechanisms which they encountered during their research process and network creation in academia, in order to develop research capital and to gain visibility and reputation. Therefore, the study provides useful insights into the challenges faced by women accounting scholars in progressing in their career, achieving recognition, and participating in academic debates.