Development of an Expert Computer System to Assist in the Classification of Estate Tax Returns

H. Michaelson, Robert, Development of an Expert Computer System to Assist in the Classification of Estate Tax Returns, Accounting horizons , 2(4), 1988, pp. 63-70
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ISSN journal
Year of publication
63 - 70
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The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) undertook a research project to determine the feasibility of using an expert system to examine estate tax returns. An expert system performs tasks normally performed by experts, and its requirements include: 1. The decision to be modeled must be important enough to justify the cost of system development. 2. The knowledge used in the decision must not be easily obtained by a nonexpert. 3. The system must have the highest benefit-to-cost ratio of all alternatives. 4. Experts must be able to organize the knowledge base into a set of relationships. One of the first goals of a prototype expert system built for the IRS is to free estate tax attorneys from the first round of return classification. The system was developed in the following steps: 1. Knowledge acquisition, 2. programming, 3. debugging, and 4. demonstrations. Some functional characteristics have been added to the system in preparation for an 18-month pilot study scheduled to begin in the fall of 1988.