Once onset of clinical rabies develops in an individual; death is inev
itable. Thus, it is imperative that, for persons exposed or potentiall
y exposed to rabies virus, prophylaxis must be instituted as soon as p
ossible following the exposure. Local wound management is an essential
part of postexposure rabies prophylaxis. Exposed persons should recei
ve a recommended series of a tissue culture or cell culture origin vac
cine. The number of doses and route of vaccination differ in various r
egions of the world and are discussed in the text. The administration
of a rabies immune globulin is generally recommended in conjunction wi
th the first dose of the rabies vaccine. Nerve tissue origin vaccines,
although used extensively in some parts of the world, are not recomme
nded if cell or tissue culture vaccines are available. Decision trees
are presented in the text to aid in determining if rabies vaccine is n
ecessary following a known or presumed exposure to the virus, along wi
th a table outlining the various rabies vaccines available in the Worl
d. Rabies pre-exposure immunisation is recommended for those individua
ls at risk of exposure to the virus. Pre-exposure prophylaxis consists
of 3 doses of an approved rabies vaccine administered either intramus
cularly or intradermally on days 0, 7, and 21 or 28 with periodic boos
ter doses or titre determination depending on the level of risk of pot
ential exposure to the virus.