An investigation was made of the conversion of the copper-vapour laser
radiation (lambda(1) = 0.51 mu m and lambda(2) = 0.578 mu m) into UV
radiation at the sum frequency (lambda(3) = 0.271 mu m) in a DKDP crys
tal. The operation of this frequency converter was compared for two ma
gnifications of the laser cavity: M = 5 and 200. The best results were
obtained for M = 200 (average UV radiation power 0.75 W, conversion e
fficiency 12%). A study was made of the characteristics of the formati
on of radiation pulses representing the two lines in the laser beam as
a whole and in its weakly diverging core. In a low-divergence beam th
e yellow- and green-line pulses were emitted practically simultaneousl
y with approximately the same peak power, which facilitated the sum-fr
equency generation.