Economics of saving

Watkins, G.p, Economics of saving, American economic review , 23(1), 1933, pp. 61-81
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Year of publication
61 - 81
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I. Spending is the exchange of me r other goods. Saving is accumulation of goods. Transfer of the power to purchase. Ho of saving. Savings not necessarily in the Cng a small, though important, species Forms of spending and saving in parallel columns. Lags often insolved. The merchant's Interest in the return of consumers. Aggregate spending hardly a matter of choice. IL. Priority of the obligation to save for a reserve. The accumulation of durable con sumption goods, public as well as private, next in rank. Not the business of the rich alone to save. Corporate savings. Overspending more to blame for business depression of needs. Poor economy ofajusting the availability of income to the coure general inadequacy of their sunnlywnership and use of durable goods and buying not in general a means of better adjustment; also rery costly, IV. Recinrocite of causation in relation to business depression. General expenditure cannot be in creased at will. Maladjustment may spread. Greater regularity of labor income might well be secured at the expense of greater irregularity of income from property as the buffer. Less speculative and other varying use of credit would help. More and more evenly distributed saving fundamental. V. No reason why the economist should debar bimself from ethical considerations. Thrift a virtue and obviously economical. Economy of saving by the less well-to-do. Mixed motives.