The past decade has seen major advances in our understanding of the me
tabolic and biochemical functions of the epithelial cell. As a result,
the traditional view of the epithelium as a relatively passive physic
al barrier to the external environment has been superseded by the conc
ept that the epithelial cell plays a key role in regulating airway inf
lammation, The epithelial cell exerts this modulatory effect in severa
l ways, Epithelial cells can function to maintain mucosal integrity an
d to modulate local immune responses. They can also limit inflammatory
processes by degrading, or inhibiting, proinflammatory mediators and
proteins. However, the epithelium also responds to a range of stimuli
by producing biologically active mediators that can influence airway i
nflammation. These include, but are not limited to, a broad range of c
ytokines and chemokines that can exert profound effects on inflammator
y cells, as well as lipid and peptide mediators. This review will high
light some of these aspects of the role of the epithelium in regulatin
g airway inflammation.