There are multiple different approaches that have been adopted in the
past to cure hypertension. Hypertension is a multifactorial disease fr
equently associated with other cardiovascular problems. None of the an
tihypertensive drugs available can cure all cases of hypertension. Thi
s situation causes a unique scenario in this area of therapeutic resea
rch: less recent approaches, which make use of drugs acting on the adr
energic system, diuretics, calcium antagonists, nitro-vasodilators and
so on, have not yet been abandoned, while new compounds are still bei
ng developed today. Newly acquired and more detailed knowledge of the
renin-angiotensin system, of the role of the endothelium and ionic cha
nnels in the homeostasis of blood pressure has opened up new lines of
study. There are also a number of experimental compounds targeted for
other action mechanisms (phosphodiesterase inhibitors, neuropeptide Y
antagonists, ouabain-like factor antagonists), that could also represe
nt innovative approaches to hypertension therapy. Some hints regarding
the current developments in the well established and innovative categ
ories of antihypertensives will be given in this review.