In nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, the kidney is unable to concentrate
urine despite normal or elevated concentrations of the antidiuretic h
ormone arginine vasopressin (AVP). In congenital nephrogenic diabetes
insipidus (NDI), the obvious clinical manifestations of the disease, t
hat is polyuria and polydipsia, are present at birth and need to be im
mediately recognized to avoid severe episodes of dehydration. Most (>9
0%) congenital NDI patients have mutations in the A VPR2 gene, the Xq2
8 gene coding for the vasopressin V-2 (antidiuretic) receptor. In <10%
of the families studied, congenital NDI has an autosomal recessive in
heritance and mutations of the aquaporin-2 gene (AQP2), ie, the vasopr
essin-sensitive water channel, have been identified. When studied in v
itro, most AVPR2 mutations lead to receptors that are trapped intracel
lularly and are unable to reach the plasma membrane. A minority of the
mutant receptors reach the cell surface but are unable to bind AVP or
to trigger an intracellular cyclic adenosine-monophosphate (cAMP) sig
nal. Similarly AQP2 mutant proteins are trapped intracellularly and ca
nnot be expressed at the luminal membrane. The acquired form of NDI is
much more common than the congenital form, is almost always less seve
re, and is associated with downregulation of AQP2. The advances descri
bed here are examples of ''bedside physiology'' and provide diagnostic
tools for physicians caring for these patients. (C)1998 by Excerpta M
edica, Inc.