The distinction between a specific factor inactivator and a non-specif
ic inhibitor is important when confronted by a patient with a history
of bleeding and abnormal in-vitro coagulation tests. We report on two
patients who presented with bleeding and a prolonged activated partial
thromboplastin time. Initial factor assays suggested combined deficie
ncy of factors VIII and IX as a result of the presence of inactivators
. The use of dilution studies, chromogenic assays, a novel in-house en
zyme-linked-immunosorbent-assay-based technique and phospholipid neutr
alization, demonstrated that Case 1 had a genuine factor VIII inactiva
tor resulting in factor VIII levels of less than 1 IU/dl but no factor
IX deficiency. Case 2 had normal levels of factor VIII on further tes
ting and no specific inactivator to either factor VIII or IX but a pot
ent antiphospholipid antibody which had interfered with the phospholip
id-dependent in-vitro assays. Care must be taken in the interpretation
of laboratory assays in the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies t
o ensure that the correct diagnosis is made and inappropriate treatmen
t avoided. (C) 1998 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.