G. Moutiers et al., THE ACI-NITRO EQUILIBRIUM OF PICRYLACETONE - A KINETIC AND THERMODYNAMIC STUDY IN 50 50 AND 30/70 (V/V) H2O-ME2SO MIXTURES/, Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions. II (Print), (11), 1998, pp. 2489-2495
Rates of deprotonation of picrylacetone (3a) by a variety of bases B (
phenoxide and carboxylate ions, primary amines, OH-, H2O) and of repro
tonation of the resulting carbanion (C3a) by the conjugate acids BH ha
ve been measured in 50:.50 and 30:70 (v/v) H2O-Me2SO mixtures at 25 de
grees C. In contrast with the situation in phenol and amine buffers, w
here only one relaxation time corresponding to a simple equilibrium ap
proach according to 3a + B half arrow right over half arrow left C-3a
+ BH is observed, a fast equilibrium protonation of the carbanion C-3a
is found to precede its conversion to 3a at low pH in a number of car
boxylic acid buffers and HCl solutions. The resulting short-lived nitr
onic acid species C-3aH has been characterized by UV-Visible stopped-f
low spectrophotometry and all data (pK(a)(NO2H), PKaCH, pK(T)) pertain
ing to the aci-nitro equilibrium of 3a in the two solvent mixtures stu
died could be determined. A notable solvent effect shown to be consist
ent with the preferential stabilization of the large polarizable carba
nion C3a by Me2SO is observed on pK(a)(NO2H) and pK(a)(CH), but not On
pK(T), on going from 50 to 70% Me2SO. The solvent dependence and the
magnitude of the intrinsic reactivity of 3a,as determined from the Bro
nsted plots for the various types of catalysts in the two solvent mixt
ures, are also found to agree with C-3a being an sp(2)-hybridized carb
anion whose negative charge is largely dispersed through the picryl ri