Cryometry, thermometry, Raman and IR spectrometry, and gas chromatogra
phic analysis were used to determine the composition of fluid inclusio
ns in natural and synthetic diamonds as well as in garnets from mantle
-derived xenoliths in kimberlite pipes of Yakutia. Fluid inclusions lo
calized in healed cracks, which are not exposed on the surface, have b
een found in natural diamonds from the placers of Yakutia, using light
microscopy and a freezing stage. Preservation of these inclusions see
ms to have occurred after crystallization of diamond but still under t
he conditions of its thermodynamic stability. All the inclusions are o
ne phase and contain a high-density liquid. Based on the results of cr
yometric and Raman spectroscopic analyses, three types of fluid inclus
ions were established: carbon dioxide-nitrogen-hydrocarbon, carbon dio
xide-nitrogen, and essentially hydrocarbon. By means of Raman spectros
copy the composition of primary fluid inclusions in synthetic diamonds
, produced in their stability field, was found to be represented mainl
y by hydrocarbons. The primary inclusions in garnets, typical of webst
erite xenoliths from the Mir kimberlite pipe (Yakutia), according to t
he results of cryometric and infrared spectroscopy, also consist of hy
drocarbons. On the basis of chromatographic analyses of volatiles from
garnets of cataclastic lherzolites from the Udachnaya kimberlite, and
thermodynamic modelling of the chemical composition, oxygen fugacity
was calculated at PT-parameters and H/(O+H) values specific to these r
ocks. The value of oxygen fugacity of cataclastic lherzolites lies bet
ween the CCO and IW buffers at 50 kbar.