The adaptive changes that accompany hypertension and involve the kidne
y, heart, and vessels, namely, muscle hypertrophy/hyperplasia, endothe
lial dysfunction and extracellular matrix increase can, in fact, be ma
ladaptive and eventually lead to endorgan disease, such as renal failu
re, heart failure, and coronary disease. However, these changes vary m
arkedly between individuals with similar levels of hypertension. Nitri
c oxide (NO), an endogenous vasodilator and inhibitor of vascular smoo
th muscle and mesangial cell growth, is synthesized in the endothelium
by a constitutive NO synthase (NOS). NO antagonizes the effects of an
giotensin II on vascular tone and growth and also downregulates the sy
nthesis of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and angiotensin II type
1 (AT-1) receptors. In hypertension, the physiologic response to the
increased shear stress and cyclic strain is to upregulate NOS activity
in endothelial cells. Upregulation of vascular NOS activity is a home
ostatic adaptation to the increased hemodynamic workload that may help
in preventing end-organ damage. Indeed, hypertension-prone salt-sensi
tive rats manifest a decrease (instead of an increase) in vascular NOS
activity when hypertensive; these rats develop severe vascular hypert
rophy, left ventricular hypertrophy, and renal injury. Studies in hype
rtensive humans suggest that, independent of the effects of salt on bl
ood pressure, salt sensitivity may be a marker for susceptibility to t
he development of endothelial dysfunction as well as cardiovascular an
d renal injury. We hypothesize that in hypertension, recognition of ma
rkers of cardiovascular susceptibility to injury and the understanding
of the pathophysiological mechanisms involved may open new opportunit
ies for therapeutic intervention. In this context, only those antihype
rtensive agents that lower blood pressure and concomitantly restore th
e homeostatic balance of vasoactive agents such as angiotensin II and
NO within the vessel wall would be effective in preventing or arrestin
g end-organ disease.