Fh. Gilles et al., GROUPS OF HISTOPATHOLOGIC ABNORMALITIES IN BRAINS OF VERY-LOW-BIRTH-WEIGHT INFANTS, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology, 57(11), 1998, pp. 1026-1034
The neuropathologic changes in brains of very premature infants are we
ll recognized but relatively few studies have attempted to identify if
specific neuropathologic features cluster together. These data could
assist in determining pathogenetic mechanisms of immature brain injury
. The goal of this study is to identify which, if any, combinations of
histologic features occur together. We identified the presence or abs
ence of 19 histologic features in the brains of 67 infants from a mult
icenter study of 1,665 prematurely born infants whose birthweight was
500-1,500 grams. We used clustering algorithms and factor analysis to
group pathologic features that occurred together. Our results indicate
that certain histopathologic features do cluster. For example, telenc
ephalic white matter astrocytosis occurs in 2 groups: 1) associated wi
th amphophilic globules, and, 2) in an uncorrelated group, associated
with focal macrophage deposits and coagulative necroses. Parenchymal h
emorrhage was not found to be associated with any telencephalic leukoe
ncephalopathy, regardless of whether characterized by rarefaction, ast
rocytosis, focal coagulative necroses, or foci of macrophages in the w
hite matter. Intraventricular hemorrhage and germinal matrix hemorrhag
e were not seen together more often than by chance expectation. Intrav
entricular hemorrhage was only marginally associated with parenchymal
hemorrhage. Our data indicate that specific histopathologic features t
end to preferentially cluster with each other in groups. This clusteri
ng may represent the manifestation of a common mechanism for each. The
se data should be valuable indicators for future research attempting t
o establish pathogenesis.