ENDOR and EPR spectroscopy of ubiquinone double dagger (UQ)-0 and UQ-1
0 radicals, singly C-13-labelled at the 1,6,5,5' and 4(UQ-0) or the co
rresponding 1,2,3,3' and 4(UQ-10) positions has been carried out in pr
otic and aprotic solutions. The C-13-hyperfine coupling constant for t
he various C-13-positions in the semiquinone, neutral and cation radic
als are presented. The semi-empirical MO schemes AM1, PM3 and INDO hav
e been used for calculating, in addition to the spin-density distribut
ion, the geometry of isolated radicals and hydrogen-bonded radical-sol
vent complexes, and the results are compared.