We have studied the origin of the excess specific heat (anomaly) above
10 mK in bce solid He-3 near melting pressure. We applied strong magn
etic fields to the sample to see whether the anomaly arises from spin
polarons due to vacancies. The specific heat is the same before and af
ter applying magnetic fields of 10-12 T. This result possibly indicate
s that the anomaly arises from the origin different from vacancies. Ne
st, in order to check whether the anomaly comes from the surface magne
tism, we measured the specific heat by coating the surface of sintered
silver with three layers and two layers of He-4. The results showed t
hat unexpected large heat capacity due to phase separation of solid He
-3-He-4 surpassed and smeared the original specific heat anomaly. We a
re investigating the origin of the anomaly further.