We present a comprehensive set of mock 2dF and SDSS galaxy redshift su
rveys constructed from a set of large, high-resolution cosmological N-
body simulations. The radial selection functions and geometrical limit
s of the catalogues mimic those of the genuine surveys. The catalogues
span a wide range of cosmologies, including both open and flat univer
ses. In all the models the galaxy distributions are biased so as appro
ximately to reproduce the observed galaxy correlation function on scal
es of 1-10 h(-1) Mpc. In some cases models with a variety of different
biasing prescriptions are included. All the mock catalogues are publi
cly available at http://star-www.dur.ac.uk/cole/mocks/main.html. We ex
pect these catalogues to be a valuable aid in the development of the n
ew algorithms and statistics that will be used to analyse the 2dF and
SDSS surveys when they are completed in the next few years. Mock catal
ogues of the PSCz survey of IRAS galaxies are also available at the sa
me World Wide Web location.