Research on the combustion of wood on a fixed grate with a separate su
pply of combustion air is described in this paper. From the layer of t
he wood on the grate, only fixed carbon was burned in the primary comb
ustion chamber in the presence of primary air, whereas the volatiles w
ere burned subsequently in the secondary combustion chamber in the pre
sence of secondary air. A one-dimensional mathematical model describin
g the combustion in the overfeed layer of wood chips is given. Theoret
ical results were confirmed by the experiments carried out in the expe
rimental furnace. The scheme of the experimental device and the result
s of experiments and calculations are presented. It was confirmed that
the conditions in the layer and the quality of combustion were highly
effected by the ratio of the fuel mass flow and mass flows of primary
and secondary air. It was found that the ratio between primary and se
condary air could be determined on the basis of the measured concentra
tion of CO2 in flue gases leaving the burning layer. The optimum ratio
of primary and secondary combustion air at any excess air was determi
ned. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.