Bayesian calibration and uncertainty analysis for computationally expensive models using optimization and radial basis function approximation

Bliznyuk, Nikolay et al., Bayesian calibration and uncertainty analysis for computationally expensive models using optimization and radial basis function approximation, Journal of computational and graphical statistics , 17(2), 2008, pp. 270-294
ISSN journal
Year of publication
270 - 294
SICI code
We presenta Bayesian approach to model calibration when evaluation of the model is computationally expensive. Here, calibration is a nonlinear regression problem: given a data vector Y corresponding to the regression model f(β), find plausible values of β. As an intermediate step, Y and f are embedded into a statistical model allowing transformation and dependence. Typically, this problem is solved by sampling from the posterior distribution of β given Y using MCMC. To reduce computational cost, we limit evaluation of f to a small number of points chosen on a high posterior density region found by optimization.Then,we approximate the logarithm of the posterior density using radial basis functions and use the resulting cheap-to-evaluate surface in MCMC.We illustrate our approach on simulated data for a pollutant diffusion problem and study the frequentist coverage properties of credible intervals. Our experiments indicate that our method can produce results similar to those when the true “expensive” posterior density is sampled by MCMC while reducing computational costs by well over an order of magnitude.