Emm. Vanlieshout et al., EFFECTS OF DIETARY ANTICARCINOGENS ON RAT GASTROINTESTINAL GLUTATHIONE-S-TRANSFERASE THETA 1-1 LEVELS, Carcinogenesis (New York. Print), 19(11), 1998, pp. 2055-2057
Several naturally occurring food components or nonsteroidal anti-infla
mmatory drugs (NSAIDs) may reduce gastrointestinal cancer rates. Recen
tly we have shown that dietary administration of such compounds enhanc
ed the glutathione S-transferase (GST) enzyme activity and class alpha
, mu and pi isoenzyme levels in the rat gastrointestinal tract, Elevat
ion of the levels of GSTs, a family of biotransformation enzymes with
many functions such as detoxification of carcinogens, might be one of
the mechanisms that lead to cancer prevention. We therefore investigat
ed whether the anticarcinogens alpha-angelicalactone, alpha-tocopherol
, beta-carotene, coumarin, ellagic acid, flavone, indole-3-carbinol, d
-limonene, oltipraz, phenethylisothiocyanate (PEITC) and the sulphorap
hane analogue compound-30 affect gastrointestinal rGSTT1-1 protein lev
els in male Wistar rats. rGSTT1-1 protein levels were determined in cy
tosolic fractions of liver and oesophageal-, gastric-, small intestina
l- and colonic mucosa by densitometrical analyses of western blots aft
er immunodetection with an anti human GSTT1-1 monoclonal antibody, tha
t cross-reacts with rGSTT1-1. In control Wistar rats, gastrointestinal
rGSTT1-1 protein levels were highest in the liver and decreased in th
e order liver > stomach > colon > oesophagus > small intestine, Gastri
c rGSTT1-1 protein levels were enhanced by alpha-angelicalactone, alph
a-tocopherol, coumarin, ellagic acid, oltipraz, PEITC and the sulphora
phane analogue compound-30. Oesophageal rGSTT1-1 protein levels were e
levated by alpha-angelicalactone and coumarin, whereas colonic rGSTT1-
1 protein levels were elevated by coumarin, Ellagic acid, on the other
hand, reduced hepatic rGSTT1-1 protein levels to 53% of the control.
In conclusion, dietary anticarcinogens are capable of inducing rGSTT1-
1 protein levels in the rat gastrointestinal tract, and are most prono
unced in the stomach. Enhanced rGSTT1-1 protein levels might lead to a
n increase of enzyme activity and to a more efficient detoxification o
f carcinogens and thus could contribute to prevention of carcinogenesi