If hermaphrodite genitals are present in the patient or a higher degre
e of hypospadia is shown with maldescensus testis, a chromosomal disor
der must be considered as one potential cause of the anomaly. The case
report of a child with cryptorchidism on the right, inguinal testis o
n the left and penoscrotal hypospadia is presented as an example. A mo
saic karyotype 45, X/46, X, idic (Yp) was diagnosed in this patient af
ter chromosomal analysis. The cell line with the isodicentric Y chromo
some could be demonstrated in about 90% of the lymphocytes, but only i
n 7% of the fibroblasts of the preputium. A derivative Y could not be
detected in interphase nuclei in the buccal mucosa, i.e. only the cell
line with monosomy X was presented. There was thus chromosomal mosaic
ism with unequal tissue involvement and a high potential for malignant
transformation. Guidelines of pediatric urological, cytogenetic and e
ndocrinological investigations and the diagnostic procedures are descr
ibed and discussed. A prevention protocol for patients with comparable
gonosomal mosaicism is presented.