Objectives. To present, in standardized form, age- and dysfunction-rel
ated data from 13 studies on vibrotactile penile epiglandal thresholds
in men to allow cross-study comparisons, a capability previously prev
ented by the use of varying methods and units of measurement. Methods.
On the basis of the summarization and standardization of multiple stu
dies located through online searches of bibliographic data bases, peni
le sensory thresholds were first plotted as a function of age, and the
n as a function of dysfunctional or disease status. In a third plot, b
oth age- and dysfunction-related differences were illustrated within a
single plot. Results. An increasing curvilinear threshold as a functi
on of age was confirmed in the pattern derived from multiple studies.
Furthermore, even when controlling for age, penile thresholds of men w
ith erectile dysfunction lay one or more standard deviations above tho
se of sexually functional counterparts, and this deviation became even
higher during penile tumescence. When relationships among age, dysfun
ctional/disease status, and penile threshold were examined simultaneou
sly, potential compounding effects of age and dysfunction emerged. Con
clusions. From a research perspective, standardized information on pen
ile vibrotactile thresholds will facilitate ongoing study aimed at elu
cidating the role of penile sensitivity to both erectile and ejaculato
ry response. From a clinical perspective, standardized information on
populations of sexually functional and dysfunctional men may assist in
a preliminary differential diagnosis. (C) 1998, Elsevier Science inc.
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