A cost-benefit analysis (CBA), focusing on the Net Present Value (NPV)
of a current genetic improvement programme for broadleaved trees was
performed using Monte Carlo simulation, with an add-on software packag
e ('@RISK') specifically designed to take account of the uncertainty a
ssociated with long-term projects. The CBA was undertaken by evaluatin
g the total cost of achieving a given estimated genetic gain via each
of the breeding strategies considered. The estimated values of genetic
gain were then expressed in terms of the increased value of timber ou
tput. Cash flows were based on current estimated tree establishment co
sts and anticipated productivity of the four tree species included in
the programme (ash, Fraxinus excelsior; sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus;
wild cherry, Prunus avium; and sweet chestnut, Castanea sativa), when
grown primarily for a timber crop. The results of the NPV analysis in
dicated that tree improvement could be cost-effective for small geneti
c gains, but that current breeding strategies differed markedly in the
ir cost-effectiveness. Improvement scenarios based on conventional sel
ection and testing techniques, such as simple mass selection and recur
rent selection (seed orchards), were found to be the most cost-effecti
ve at a discount rate of 6 per cent. In contrast, tree improvement sce
narios based on clonal techniques consistently ranked lowest, despite
the much higher genetic gains achieved. The use of clonal techniques w
as found to be particularly hard to justify with broadleaved tree spec
ies of relatively low timber value. Overall, with the current state of
broadleaved timber markets in the UK, and the current areas being pla
nted, investment in basic genetic improvement of high-value timber spe
cies appears financially worth while. The estimated direct additional
financial benefit to growers, if new planting is undertaken with impro
ved stock as opposed to unimproved stock, is estimated To range from p
ound 38 ha(-1) with Simple Mass Selection to pound 100 ha(-1) with Sim
ple Recurrent Selection.