Oval cells proliferate extensively in the livers of animals exposed to
oncogenic insults, are bipotent and are believed to be related to the
so far unidentified liver stem cell. In normal liver, cells antigenic
ally related to oval cells and expressing Liver and epithelial markers
are considered to be liver progenitor cells. We isolated, by fluoresc
ence-activated cell sorting or magnetic bead sorting, cells expressing
the oval cell antigens OC.2 or OC.3 from the liver of normal newborn
or day 12 embryonal age rats. Magnetic bead sorting of positive cells
was as efficient as fluorescence-activated cell sorting. A two-chamber
culture system was devised in which cells were plated onto transwell
filters coated with type IV collagen and cultured in a serum-free Ham'
s F12 medium supplemented with free fatty acids and bovine serum album
in. Under these conditions, cells remained viable for up to 6 weeks an
d their antigenic phenotype was unchanged throughout. Approximately 30
% of sorted cells expressed epithelial and/or liver-specific markers.
Growth factors mitogenic for epithelial cells and hepatocytes did not
elicit cell proliferation. These results provide an important backgrou
nd for further studies designed to determine the biological significan
ce of OC.2(+) and OC.3(+) cells in normal liver, to test the liver ste
m cell hypothesis and to develop protocols for the expansion in vitro
of normal liver progenitors.