Safe effective analgesia for neonates undergoing major surgery remains
a challenge particularly in institutions where resources are limited.
The experience in the use of epidural analgesia in 240 neonates weigh
ing between 0.9-5.8 kg body weight (lumbar n=211, thoracic n = 29) is
reviewed. Dural puncture (n = 1), convulsion (n = 1) and intravascular
migration of catheter (n = 1) were the only complications. in all cas
es effective analgesia was established intraoperatively. Postoperative
ly analgesia was maintained by intermittent 'top-ups' (n = 170) and co
ntinuous infusion (n = 10). Skin epidural distance ranged between 3 an
d 12mm (mean 6.0 +/- 1.7mm) and did not correlate with the patients' w
eight. Patients remained haemodynamically stable except occasional bra
dycardia below 100 (n=15) which was successfully managed with antichol
inergics. The potential risks and benefits of epidural analgesia in th
is age group are discussed and arguments for intermittent 'top-up' dos
es rather than continuous infusions presented.