The purpose of this study is to determine whether leisure behavior, le
isure satisfaction, leisure attitude, and self-determination are assoc
iated with decreased burnout. A systematic stratified random sample of
438 clergy (55% return rate) was used to collect the data. In path an
alysis, results indicate that leisure behavior and leisure satisfactio
n had an inverse effect on all 3 components of burnout, while leisure
attitude had no effect. Self-determination predisposition contributed
inversely to 2 components of burnout. Similarly, age and years in mini
stry had a direct, inverse relationship with the emotional exhaustion
and depersonalization dimensions of burnout. Number of years employed
with the present church was also negatively related to emotional exhau
stion. All 3 variables (age, years in ministry, and years with the pre
sent church) were positively associated with leisure behavior. Theoret
ical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.