Legionella is a frequent etiologic agent in the development of both no
socomial and community acquired pneumonias. Involvement of the nervous
system is common in Legionella infections. We present a case of Legio
nnaires' disease which illustrates distinctive neurologic findings inc
luding delirium and cerebellar dysfunction. Furthermore, this paper re
views the neurological and psychiatric features of 609 Legionella infe
cted patients with involvement of the nervous system. The most common
signs were disorientation (58%), headache (52.4%), and somnolence (39.
7%). less frequent or rare were: cerebellar dysfunction (11.2%), hallu
cinations (8.4%), agitation or stupor (4.1%), affective disorders (3.1
%), peripheral neuropathy (2.8%), pyramidal disturbances (2.1%), memor
y loss (1.6%), seizures (1.5%), cranial nerve palsies (1.5%), incontin
ence (0.7%), and extrapyramidal disturbances (0.3%). Cranial CT scans,
cerebrospinal fluid findings, and nerve and muscle biopsies were usual
ly unremarkable. Neuropathologic examinations failed to demonstrate sp
ecific characteristics. Hyponatremia and serum CPK level elevation wer
e present in up to 89% and 50% of patients, respectively. Prognosis of
disturbances of the nervous system was mainly good. We conclude that
in the presence of definite neurological findings, pulmonary infection
, hyponatremia, and CPK elevation Legionella infection should be consi