Evidence for natural foamy virus (FV) infections in humans is still la
cking. However, accidental infections of humans with simian FV have be
en demonstrated by serology and PCR, but all previous attempts to reco
ver infectious virus in such cases have failed. Here we describe the i
solation of a simian FV from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC)
of a healthy animal caretaker, who acquired the virus 20 gears ago fr
om an African green monkey (AGM) bite. Properties of the human isolate
such as host range in cell cultures including human PBMC and ability
to induce neutralizing antibodies in the primate host proved to be sim
ilar to those of FV obtained from AGM. The genomic sequence of the iso
late was found to be virtually identical to the proviral sequence pres
ent in the host lymphocytes and related to AGM isolates but distinct f
rom those of all FV isolates handled in the laboratory. For successful
virus isolation, it was essential to stimulate the host lymphocytes b
y phytohemagglutinin and interleukin-2 for 2 weeks prior to cocultivat
ion with permissive cells. In contrast to the situation found in FV-in
fected monkeys, virus isolation from the saliva of the animal caretake
r was not possible, and no evidence for FV transmission to family cont
acts was obtained. We conclude that, in contrast to active infection i
n monkeys, FV persists in a state of latency following accidental infe
ction of humans.