Electric and magnetic fields of an arbitrarily moving particle possess
ing a constant toroidal moment tau are derived from the general soluti
on of Maxwell's equations for electric and magnetic fields of a toroid
al moment density. The fields divide themselves naturally into five pa
rts: the very near fields which vary as 1/R-4 and depend on tau, beta;
the near fields which vary as 1/R-3 and depend on tau, beta and (beta
) over dot; the intermediate fields which vary as 1/R-2 and depend on
tau, beta, (beta) over dot and <(beta)double over dot>; the far fields
which vary as 1/R and depend on tau, beta, (beta) over dot, (beta) do
uble over dot and <(beta)triple over dot>; and the delta-terms which r
epresent the fields inside the source. The total power radiated by thi
s dipole is then calculated for the special case in which the velocity
and its derivatives are parallel. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.