Since Jenner and Pasteur, various vaccines have been developed and adm
inistered in immunization program conducted by WHO in order to diminis
h the circulation of pathogenic agents and eradicate some diseases. Ri
sks associated with immunization are revealed by the collection and as
sessment of adverse events reported after the use of these drugs. They
vary according to the type of vaccines. With high rates of immunizati
on and a low incidence of infectious diseases, adverse events receive
increasing attention. Frequent and mostly expected adverse events are
reported in clinical trials. Unexpected rare adverse events are report
ed after marketing authorization by spontaneous reporting and post mar
keting surveillance studies. Post marketing surveillance should be ada
pted to vaccines (vaccino-vigilance) and should take into account the
risk linked to the disease they may protect against. Adverse events ar
e often temporally associated with vaccines, that does not mean they a
re causally related. Specific studies should be conducted to ar;sess t
he causal relationship between vaccines and post immunization adverse
events. In order to reduce the risk associated with immunization, a st
rict follow-up of recommendations, warnings and contraindications in a
ddition to appropriate information being delivered to both vaccinees a
nd physicians are required.