Quantum-dot systems are confined semiconductor structures which exhibi
t a fully discrete spectrum due to the size confinement in all directi
ons. The position of the energy levels inside such structures can be c
hanged by adjusting their geometrical dimensions Such structures are p
articularly interesting for optical applications for two reasons: (i)
both the electrons and holes are confined in the same small physical r
egion, and therefore the strength of recombination processes is increa
sed, and (ii) by changing the position of the energy levels, one can i
n principle tune quantum-dot lasers over a wide range of wavelengths.
The presence of size confinement gives rise to two competing effects:
on one hand it causes an upward shift of the energy levels, and on the
other it enhances the Coulomb attraction between electrons and holes.
These effects tend to shift the position of the exciton energies in o
pposite directions, so that a careful modelling of such structures is
required in order to understand which is the dominant effect and how t
he excitons behave as a function of confinement. While there have been
several studies on ideal systems, we attempt to model a system more c
losely aligned to experiment. In this study we investigate: (i) the ef
fect of the shape of the lateral potential of a quantum disk, i.e. par
abolic and hard-wall; (ii) the effect of wave-function leakage in the
barries; and (iii) the effect of the light-heavy hole mixing on the ef
fective masses.