Endoscopic surgery introduces several problems not encountered during
open surgery. These arise as a result of the use of many different typ
es of special equipment. Difficulties include, for example, those enco
untered in the intricacies of preoperative preparation, the complexiti
es of the intra-operative use of such equipment, and the spatial probl
ems caused by additional apparatus in the OR. These cannot be overcome
by simply improving the individual items of equipment used for this t
ype of surgery. We have developed an integrated system, which makes it
possible to systematically control all the equipment used for endosco
pic surgery by computer; thus safe and smooth endoscopic surgery is fa
cilitated. With this new system, the complex preparations performed by
nurses, as well as the complex intra-operative equipment operations p
erformed by the surgeon, are simplified by the computerised automatic
initial setting function (allowing one-touch initialisation of all equ
ipment), remote control of equipment from a sterile region and a funct
ion which displays all of the necessary information on a central displ
ay. To date, this system has been used clinically in more than 20 medi
cal facilities. Favourable results have been obtained and the validity
of the basic concepts and specifications of this system have been sup