Unstable angina is a high-risk phase of coronary heart disease defined
by clinical symptoms. Electrocardiographic findings are heterogeneous
and creatine kinase is only rarely elevated. However, troponin T and
troponin I are found in about 30-40% of patients with angina at rest d
isclosing minor myocardial cell injury. Several studies in recent year
s have documented that troponins are the best markers to identify high
-risk patients when other life-threatening, noncardiac diseases are ex
cluded. In addition, first evidence is provided that only these patien
ts benefit from prolonged treatment with low molecular weight heparin
or glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor blockers. Therefore, this new diagno
stic potential should be made available to emergency rooms for risk st
ratification and in the future to guide therapeutic decision making.