Several empirical studies suggest that herbivores may promote coexiste
nce between plants by relaxing the strength of resource competition. I
n contrast, recent mathematical models predict that food-limited herbi
vory instead cause exclusion through apparent competition, regardless
of whether herbivore selectivity is constant or density dependent. Thi
s study extends existing theory to consider a strongly seasonal system
. Herbivores with fixed diet preferences have the same effect regardle
ss of seasonality, but there is a marked difference when the diet sele
ctivity of herbivores conforms to a simple optimal-foraging model. An
optimally foraging herbivore in a seasonal environment is able to prom
ote plant coexistence among many species. The mechanism involves diet
switching, occurring over narrow density intervals. For this to have a
n effect in a nonseasonal model, equilibrium resource densities must b
e in this interval, which requires close parameter fitting. In seasona
l environments, resource densities change through the year and may fre
quently move across narrow regions in which diet changes occur. The po
tential of gray-sided voles to promote coexistence between two arctic
dwarf shrubs is evaluated in terms of the model. For this system, it i
s shown that vole herbivory has the potential to reverse competitive d