The renewal of interest on impulsivity concept is explained by sociolo
gical and biological factors. A challenging aim is to give a definitio
n in distinct terms of this construct. Actually, impulsivity can be de
scribe as ''thoughts or impulsive ideo-affective process with many rep
eated behaviours, directly linked to such thoughs'' Impulsivity can be
found in many discrete disorders. To study impulsivity it would be be
tter to consider it like transnographic entity. The exact situation of
the concept in relation to personality concept remain controversial.
Impulsivity has been considered bike a temperament, when it is taking
like determined biological trait. Until now, attempt of impulsivity ph
ysiologic measurement are without results. Only psychometric approach
can quantify impulsivity. Impulsivity may be define like a tendency of
action before thinking (or thought), with non planning or bad estimat
ion of consequences. Finally, impulsivity concept is multidimensional,
closely linked to incapacity to differ behavior, to control different
emotions, specially sexual and aggressive, connected to the rapidity
of information processing, innovation research and incapacity to delay