This paper suggests a general numerical method for control and off-lin
e motion optimization of rigid multibody systems, using nonlinear dyna
mic models. The models are numerically derived as ordinary differentia
l equations for a minimal set of generalized coordinates. The dynamic
equations and the solution trajectory are discretized in small interva
ls (nodes), where robot motion is assumed to occur with constant gener
alized coordinate acceleration. The algorithm is applied for adaptive
control of many degree of freedom mechanical systems. The mathematical
description of the problem for optimal motion planning is presented a
s a nonlinear programming problem. The characteristics of motion and d
iscretized generalized forces in every node are parameters of the opti
mization problem. Since they are numerically defined, an arbitrary res
ponse function can be evaluated numerically. Linearized motion functio
ns and dynamic equations are treated as equality constraints for the p
rogramming problem. Restrictions imposed on force and motion character
istics, or on any functional dependence among them, are treated as ine
quality constraints. The gradient of the response function, most often
implicitly defined for the parameters, is computed by solving a linea
r equation system obtained from partial derivatives of the equality co
nstraints. The convergence of the algorithm is tested using a five deg
ree of freedom redundant robot, achieving point-to-point time optimal