This study is aimed at assessing the prevalence and features of psycho
tic symptoms in a sample of 180 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD)
. Sixty-four patients (35.5% of the sample) showed one or more psychot
ic symptoms. The presence of these symptoms correlated with the severi
ty of the patients' cognitive impairment, as well as the patients' age
at first assessement. Sex, duration of illness, education and familia
r history for dementia were not significantly correlated with the psyc
hotic symptoms. Hallucination was the most common symptom (24.4%, of t
he whole sample), followed by delusion (18.3%) and misperception (11.1
%). Visual hallucinations were more frequent than auditory, and, among
delusions, persecutory and theft themes were largely prevailing. Misp
erceptions included television related phenomena and phantom boarder i
llusions. A follow-up study of 37 patients demonstrated the associatio
n between the presence of psychotic symptoms and a steeper slope of co
gnitive deterioration. Eur J Neurol 5:553-560 (C) 1998 Lippincott Will
iams & Wilkins.