Objectives - The goal of our study was to identify clinical, neurophys
iological and neuroradiological variables in severe head trauma (SHT)
with predictive value for posttraumatic epilepsy (PTE) and to evaluate
the influence of each risk factor for the dynamics of epilepsy. Mater
ial and methods - We systematically compared 57 PTE patients with 50 a
ge and sex-matched control patients with SHT and no PTE. Mean follow-u
p was a years. Results - Of all PTE-patients 68.5% had their first sei
zure within 2 years after the trauma. Significant risk factors for PTE
were focal signs in the first examination (P<0.01), missile injuries
(P<0.01), frontal lesions (P<0.01), intracerebral hemorrhage (P<0.01),
diffuse contusion (P<0.01), prolonged posttraumatic amnesia (P<0.001)
, depression fracture (P<0.01) and cortical-subcortical lesions (P<0.0
01). The combination of the last 3 variables conferred a particularly
high risk for PTE (logistic regression analysis). Combined seizure pat
tern, high seizure frequency, AED-noncompliance and alcohol abuse pred
icted poor seizure control. Conclusion The risk for PTE is clearly det
ermined by those variables which correlate with the severity, the exte
nt of tissue loss and the penetrating nature of the brain trauma.