This paper aims to present an overview on the influence of rheological
heterogeneity and mechanical anisotropy on the deformation of contine
nts. After briefly recapping the concept of rheological stratification
of the lithosphere, we discuss two specific issues: (1) as supported
by a growing body of geophysical and geological observations, crust/ma
ntle mechanical coupling is usually efficient, especially beneath majo
r transcurrent faults which probably crosscut the lithosphere and root
within the sublithospheric mantle; and (2) in most geodynamic environ
ments, mechanical properties of the mantle govern the tectonic behavio
ur of the lithosphere. Lateral rheological heterogeneity of the contin
ental lithosphere may result from various sources, with variations in
geothermal gradient being the principal one. The oldest domains of con
tinents, the cratonic nuclei, are characterized by a relatively cold,
thick, and consequently stiff lithosphere. On the other hand, rifting
may also modify the thermal structure of the lithosphere. Depending on
the relative stretching of the crust and upper mantle, a stiff or a w
eak heterogeneity may develop. Observations from rift domains suggest
that rifting usually results in a larger thinning of the lithospheric
mantle than of the crust, and therefore tends to generate a weak heter
ogeneity. Numerical models show that during continental collision, the
presence of both stiff and weak rheological heterogeneities significa
ntly influences the large-scale deformation of the continental lithosp
here. They especially favour the development of lithospheric-scale str
ike-slip faults, which allow strain to be transferred between the hete
rogeneities. An heterogeneous strain partition occurs: cratons largely
escape deformation, and strain tends to localize within or at the bou
ndary of the rift basins provided compressional deformation starts bef
ore the thermal heterogeneity induced by rifting are compensated. Seis
mic and electrical conductivity anisotropies consistently point toward
s the existence of a coherent fabric in the lithospheric mantle beneat
h continental domains. Analysis of naturally deformed peridotites, exp
erimental deformations and numerical simulations suggest that this fab
ric is developed during orogenic events and subsequently frozen in the
lithospheric mantle. Because the mechanical properties of single-crys
tal olivine are anisotropic, i.e. dependent on the orientation of the
applied forces relative to the dominant slip systems, a pervasive fabr
ic frozen in the mantle may induce a significant mechanical anisotropy
of the whole lithospheric mantle. It is suggested that this mechanica
l anisotropy is the source of the so-called tectonic inheritance, i.e.
the systematic reactivation of ancient tectonic directions; it may es
pecially explain preferential rift propagation and continental break-u
p along pre-existing orogenic belts. Thus, the deformation of continen
ts during orogenic events results from a trade-off between tectonic fo
rces applied at plate boundaries, plate geometry, and the intrinsic pr
operties (rheological heterogeneity and mechanical anisotropy) of the
continental plates. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved