Coastal management has developed rapidly over the past decade resultin
g in a wide range of plans, strategies and liaison groups. The product
ion of management plans and the formation of groups are driven by a nu
mber of forces and they vary a great deal in nature. They can be eithe
r sectoral or holistic, statutory or non-statutory and are also spatia
lly variable. The Isle of Wight Council has been actively involved in
the production of such plans and participates in a number of local, re
gional, national and transnational organizations and initiatives. For
example, strategies have been developed for both coastal defence and e
stuarine management to encourage close collaboration between all those
involved in coastal issues. The aim of this paper is to explain how t
he process of integrated coastal zone management has evolved on the Is
le of Wight over the past 15 years. It highlights the processes by whi
ch the plans and collaborative arrangements have developed on the Isla
nd and shows how present research is helping the Council in its task o
f managing its long and complex coastline. The future challenge is to
translate these plans into action on the ground.