Since the writings of Clark Howell and Carleton Goon, the distinctive
craniofacial and postcranial morphology of Neandertals has been associ
ated with the frigid glacial climates of Pleistocene Europe. Direct as
sociations between Ice-Age climate and Neandertal form have been propo
sed: Large noses and large paranasal sinuses, big brains, and robust,
muscular bodies with barrel chests and foreshortened limbs may have be
en thermal adaptations to harsh glacial conditions, especially in homi
nids that perhaps lacked the technological sophistication to shield th
emselves from the cold. Indirect associations between Gold climate and
Neandertal morphology have also been advanced: Midfacial prognathism,
dolichocephaly, occipital bunning, and other characteristics may have
been the consequences of genetic drift in small populations of forage
rs isolated from the rest of the world by Alpine and continental ice s
heets. Either way, when we think of Neandertals we think of primitive
humans that endured the climatic and ecological hardships of cold peri
glacial Europe. Accordingly, it makes sense to think their morphology
should reflect this in some important way.