McKone (1995) reported a short-lived repetition priming effect, superi
mposed on long-lived priming. This short-term implicit memory survived
a few intervening items and several seconds for words but decayed pre
cipitously for nonwords, producing a lag x lexicality interaction. Her
e, mechanisms of decay are studied by disconfounding the time delay an
d interference components of lag. In Experiment 1, time delay was vari
ed while number of intervening items was held constant, and vice versa
. In Experiment 2, priming was plotted as a function of time delay, wi
th and without interventing items. Using a lexical decision task, both
experiments found independent contributions of time and interference
to the decay of short-term priming. Further, Experiment 2 attributed t
he lag x lexicality interaction to a particular sensitivity of nonword
traces to interference. An illustration of how these effects might ar
ise in the word recognition system is provided.