A quantitative analysis is presented of the increasing degree of dynam
ical correlations with decreasing temperature in a fragile glass-forme
r consisting of a two-dimensional binary mixture of soft discs with a
diameter ratio of sigma(2)/sigma(1) = 1.4. The analysis involves a stu
dy of the spatial distribution of local relaxation times, defined as t
he time taken for each particle to first travel a distance r from its
initial position. For the binary mixture, a temperature-independent op
timum value of r approximate to sigma(1) is found to maximize the spat
ial segregation of particles into different kinetic domains. The regio
ns of 'fast' and 'slow' particles grow in size-as the system is cooled
, indicating an increasing degree of cooperativity in the particle dyn
amics. A measure of the linear dimensions of these clusters is provide
d. It is shown that only 'slow' subsets of particles are caged on inte
rmediate timescales and that the lifetime of these slow domains increa
ses dramatically with decreasing temperature in the supercooled mixtur
e. A substantial decay in the incoherent scattering functions can stil
l be accomplished, however, on these timescales, despite the relative
immobility of a significant fraction of the system: A further observat
ion is a change in the manner in which relaxation progresses throughou
t the system with cooling. At high temperatures the initially fast rel
axing sites are randomly distributed throughout the system, whereas at
low temperatures they tend to be clumped together. This subsequently
results in a less homogeneous progression of relaxation at the lower t
emperatures, since relaxation proceeds primarily by radiating outwards
from existing fast centres.