In this overview, which is based on selected books and reviews, the mi
croscopic appearances of prosthesis-bone interfaces resulting from cli
nically relevant implantation techniques are highlighted. The followin
g techniques are distinguished to insert and attach prostheses in the
recipient bone: impaction into bone, primary mechanical interlocking,
cement fixation, bone ongrowth and secondary mechanical interlocking w
ith bioinert materials, and enhanced bone ongrowth and bone bonding to
bioactive materials. The resulting typical histomorphologies of ortho
pedic and dental prostheses-bone interfaces are described and illustra
ted from the author's studies employing light, fluorescence, and backs
cattered electron microscopy, and corresponding microradiographs of un
decalcified ground sections of bone and implants. Special emphasis is
given to the mineralization-demineralization kinetics of the interfaci
al bone matrix interacting with specific surface reactions of some imp
lant materials. Consequently, the distinction between bioinert and bio
active prosthetic materials is critically analyzed. (C) 1998 John Wile
y & Sons, Inc.