A self-similar electron distribution function for inverse bremsstrahlu
ng absorption under planar ablative how is derived from the Vlasov-Fok
ker-Planck (VFP) equation. Fluid effects play an important role in the
build-up of the steady state and enhance the low-energy part of the d
istribution function and the well pronounced tail remains (Uryupin S A
et al 1995 Phys. Plasmas 2 3100). It is also found that the Bur limit
ation factor is modified, and that the energy of electron carrying dom
inant heat (EE-CDH) shifts toward the low-energy region by non-Maxwell
ian effects. The EE-CDH is about half as much as that obtained in the
Maxwellian case. These features are essential for isentropic compressi
on and high gain of targets in laser driven implosion.